Her Story: Mason | To Each, Her Own
There's more to all of us than meets the eye.
To Each, Her Own is a celebration of who women actually are — not who they're told to be. Though we decided to use both models and real women in this campaign, they're all women who inspire us with their strength and vulnerability. Our series, Her Story, is a chance to get to know more about them.
Meet one of the six women.
Alecia Mason, 27
TL: How would you describe yourself in three words?AM: “Authentic, divine, friendly.”
TL: What’s something most people might not assume about you at first glance?AM: “I know tae kwon do, that my voice isn’t deep, I’m a mom.”
TL: What quality do you love most about yourself?AM: “I’m patient.”
TL: What do you love most about your appearance?AM: “I love my eyes and tattoos the most. I can connect with anyone by looking at them. My tattoos are what make me unique.”
TL: When and where are you happiest?AM: “On a sunny day out in nature.”
TL: If you could give your younger self advice, what would you tell her?AM: “Always have self-love.”
TL: What's the top song on your playlist right now?AM: “Wiz Khalifa - 'Penthouse.'"
TL: What does To Each, Her Own mean to you?AM: “For me, it means do what you please. What’s for you might not be for someone else.”
TL: What is your motto?AM: “Stay in your lane, you’re moving at the right speed.”
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